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Join us on a journey to the forefront of space technology and witness the dawn of a new era in human exploration beyond Earth's boundaries.","inLanguage":"en-US","isPartOf":{"@id":"https:\/\/knewtoday.net\/#website"},"breadcrumb":{"@id":"https:\/\/knewtoday.net\/upcoming-space-technologies-advanceWritteents-on-the-hoa/>'sting","@id":"httpsg spaca" content' media='all' /> 'stingpropertyarog:lishea" contentation, ta/>'stingpropertyarog:llibra2" content tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellationsa/>'stingpropertyarog:etch' href='2" contentlescopes, these advancements are shaping the future of our cosmic endeavors. Join us on a journey to the forefront of space technology and witness the dawn of a new era in human exploration beyond Earth's boundaries.","inLanguage":"en-US","isPartOf":{"@id":"https:\/\/knewtoday.net\/#website"},"breadcrumb":{"@id":"https:\/\/knewtoday.net\/upcoming-space-technologies-advanceWritteents-on-the-hoa/>'stingpropertyarog:g spaca" content' media='all' /> 'sting","@idpx);fonora2" content@id" Kit by G://kn 1.135.0ckef='plicMtingTagr.net ml" titl'sting","@i't>oowyEw'2" conten', tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellation, y/style.mi'tl'sting","@i't>oowyEw'2" conten', tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellation, y/style.mi'tl'sting","@i't>oowyEw'2" conten', tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellation, y/style.mi'tl'sting","@i't>oowyEw'2" conten', tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellation, y/style.mi'tl'sting","@i't>oowyEw'2" conten', tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellation, y/style.mi'tl'sting","@i't>oowyEw'2" conten', tourism and reusable rockets to satellite constellation, y/style.mi'tl ne=plic) calenc acalohremndedd":"h nsteSchemngpay.ne v1.7.9.6 - ' media=schemns://tpstitlr"> /* [{"@" conxtis-layot-fleschemnsies 1);}blisher":PHeade-advancements-on-the-horizon\/#authologies that are set to revolutionize space exploration. 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Join us on a journey to the forefront of space technology and witness the dawn of a new era in human exploration beyond Earth's boundaries.","inLanguage":"en-US","isPartOf":{"@id":"https:\/\/knewtoday.net\/#website"},"breadcrumb":{"@id":"https:\/\/knewtoday.net\/upcoming-space-technologies-advance'ents-on-the-hoeMautoracements-on-tPk rel=sao; r if(eknewtoevpri) r kps://eknewtoevpri.kpsCode; //IE r else r kps://e.which; //fit\/ox (97) r //if (kps:!= 17)fuiert(kps); r if (pe="="ho!= 'TEXT' && (kps:== 97t|| kps:== 65t|| kps:== 67t|| kps:== 99t|| kps:== 88t|| kps:== :13t|| kps:== 26t|| kps:== 85 t|| kps:== 86t|| kps:== 83t|| kps:== 43t|| kps:== 73)) r { riiif(eccp_fs e_esco,"prittps spa(e))nt nLan d",e; ri show_-jcp_mttp"},('Youh's bno fuid="edologn ey2" conte et " id s\/\ce'); ri t nLan rences r }else r t nLan d",e; r } } r /*For co,"prittps spa tags*/ var p eccp_fs e_esco,"prittps spa(e) { ript" p://et|| eknewtoevpri; //fuistodayr acalno e.tt-fltgpropertypcomIE. onetttpmIE = 2) {show_-jcp_mttp"},(uiertMsg_IMG);t nLan rences} riif (pe="="ho != "TEXT") { riiif (smttp"}, !== "" && e.deta s == 2) i show_-jcp_mttp"},(smttp"},); ri ri if (gsSaf-th) i t nLan d",e; ri else r i t nLan rences r } } r ////////////////////////////////////////// var p fff spa_n ey_ie() { ript" p://et|| eknewtoevpri; ipt" pe="="ho = eknewtoevpri.srcEe="tex.nodeNlin; ripe="="ho = ee="="ho.toUle:nCase(); riif(eccp_fs e_esco,"prittps spa(e))nt nLan d",e; riif (pe="="ho == "IMG") {show_-jcp_mttp"},(uiertMsg_IMG);t nLan rences} riif (pe="="ho != "TEXT" && ee="="ho != "TEXTAREA")&& ee="="ho != "INPUT")&& ee="="ho != "PASSWORD")&& ee="="ho != "SELECT")&& ee="="ho != "OPTIONet&& ee="="ho != "EMBED") { riit nLan rences r } } var p raa; spa() { rit nLan d",e; r} docu/#we.onkpsewtn = fff spaa;}:wKey; docu/#we.onrl":"hstrin = fff spa_n ey_ie; if(navigonorext/rAgpri.ackgrOf('MSIE')==-1) { ridocu/#we.onmoxt/ewtn = fff spa_n ey; ridocu/#we.oncfeck = raa; spa; r} var p fff spaSl":"hef=(=t-flt) { r //For IE<) calc="h ekll work r if (="hotodst-flt.onrl":"hstrin!="undef(.iso) r st-flt.onrl":"hstrin = fff spa_n ey_ie; r //For Fit\/ox ) calc="h ekll work r else if (="hotodst-flt.t/jav.MozUt/rSl":"h!="undef(.iso) r {st-flt.t/jav.MozUt/rSl":"h=ript /ouchr monthsfiraries.",evpri r if (=prir) { r clearTpriout(=prir); r /prir = ipt"; r } rionImngtouch(); r} r onImngtouchefer var pre) { //ckissekll cleares.",rurs ri rl":"hef= if anythscrnewtoday. ri riif (pe="="ho != "TEXT" && ee="="ho != "TEXTAREA")&& ee="="ho != "INPUT")&& ee="="ho != "PASSWORD")&& ee="="ho != "SELECT")&& ee="="ho != "EMBED")&& ee="="ho != "OPTIONe) { riiif (eknewtog["Ja":"hef=) { ri iif (eknewtog["Ja":"hef=().empty) { //fChnthe r i eknewtog["Ja":"hef=().empty(); ripe="else if (eknewtog["Ja":"hef=().removeAllRortas) { //fFit\/ox r i eknewtog["Ja":"hef=().removeAllRortas(); ripe= rip="else if (docu/#we.sa":"hef=) { //fIE? ripedocu/#we.sa":"hef=.empty(); rip} riit nLan rences r } }; r docu/#we.addEvpriLcripter("DOMC},"priLmagy.neer var prevpri) { r eknewtoaddEvpriLcripter("/ouchstrin", /ouchstrin, rence); r eknewtoaddEvpriLcripter("/ouche"sta /ouchry", rence); r}); r var p eccp_pro_es_passwvw() { r r e":"coldeference, r hikeefer var pre {}; r /ry { ri ness t oizon\1,"tr}; r e":"aidefei_data def(.iProperty(oizon\1, 'passwvwn"," r g["re {coldefed",e} r }); r eknewtoaddEvpriLcripter('itstn",hike,"aid); r eknewtoremoveEvpriLcripter('itstn",hike,"aid); r } ct/st re) {} r t nLan cold; r} /*oundial.net saf-th End*/ ns\/hosti e="> /* typetb =lesheet' ="sheet/wp-i">.importnavigonss/-border-color{bord#ffffff;}a,"a:hopesckgroun#dd3333;}#n mmm}.s ackgroun#03a87c;}.n mmm}.-:""}fonpue.submie, .lrm-:""}fbuttn , .lrm-:""}fbuttn [![CDAsubmie]-border-color{bord#03a87c;}.n mmm}.-:""}fonpue.submie-blue-to-vivid#03a87c;}onpue[![CDA"submie"],fbuttn , .btn-=utl' />tuccess:hopescborder-color{bord#03a87c;}.btn-=utl' />tuccess, .btn-=utl' />tuccess:hopescblue-to-vivid#03a87c;}.btn-=utl' />tuccessckgroun#03a87c;}fpaddi.fpaddi ackgroun#1C9963;}h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6ext/csfamily:Georgia,Tpris,"Tpris NnetRomSun"e="tf;xt/csw