Health and Wellness

The Legacy of Patanjali: Unraveling the History and Philosophy of Yoga

Written by drcpanda · 6 min read >

Patanjali is a significant figure in Indian history, particularly in the context of yoga and philosophy. However, it is important to note that the details of Patanjali’s life and the exact timeframe in which he lived are not definitively known. The information available about him primarily comes from ancient texts, particularly his renowned work called the “Yoga Sutras.”

Patanjali is believed to have lived sometime between the 2nd century BCE and the 4th century CE. He is revered as the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, a foundational text that systematized the philosophy and practice of yoga. The Yoga Sutras consists of 196 aphorisms or concise statements that provide guidance on various aspects of yoga, including ethical principles, meditation, and the attainment of spiritual liberation.

Patanjali is often considered the father of classical yoga, as his work served to organize and unify the diverse traditions and practices of yoga that existed at the time. He outlined the eightfold path of yoga known as Ashtanga Yoga, which consists of moral observances (yamas), self-disciplines (niyamas), physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and samadhi (a state of profound meditation or union).

In addition to his contributions to yoga, Patanjali is also believed to have written works on grammar and Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. However, these texts attributed to Patanjali are separate from the Yoga Sutras and are often referred to as the Mahabhashya (Great Commentary) and the Charaka Samhita, respectively.

Overall, Patanjali’s influence on yoga and his systematic approach to its practice has had a profound impact on the development and understanding of yoga in India and around the world.

Introduction: Unraveling the Legacy of Patanjali

Hindu author, mystic, and philosopher Patanjali, also known as Gonardiya or Gonikaputra, was a Siddhar. Although no one knows for sure when he lived, estimates based on an examination of his writings indicate that it was between the second and fourth century CE.

He is thought to have written and compiled several Sanskrit books. The Yoga Sutras, a traditional yoga treatise, are the best of these. While there are other recognized historical authors with the same name, it is disputed if the sage Patanjali is the author of all the writings attributed to him. The question of the historicity or identity of this author or these authors has received a lot of scholarly attention during the past century.

Patanjali’s Life and Historical Context

The word “Patanjali” is a composite name from “patta,” which is Sanskrit for “falling” and “aj,” which means “honor, celebrate, beautiful,” or “ajali,” which means “reverence, uniting palms of the hands.”

According to legend, the sage Patajali obtained Samadhi at the Brahmapureeswarar Temple in Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu, India, through yogic meditation. Within the Brahmapureeswarar Temple complex, the sage Patanjali’s Jeeva Samadhi, which is currently a closed meditation hall, is located next to Brahma’s shrine.

Patanjali’s life remains shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, with limited historical records available to provide concrete details. As a result, much of what is known about him is derived from legends, traditional accounts, and the inferences made from his writings.

The exact dates of Patanjali’s birth and death are unknown, and even his identity as an individual person is subject to debate. Some scholars propose that Patanjali may have been a compilation of multiple sages who contributed to the texts attributed to him. Nevertheless, the influence of Patanjali’s teachings and writings, particularly the Yoga Sutras, cannot be denied.

Patanjali is said to have lived during a significant era in Indian history, commonly believed to be between the 2nd century BCE and the 4th century CE. This period marked a time of cultural, intellectual, and philosophical development in ancient India, with various schools of thought emerging and flourishing.

Historical accounts depict India during Patanjali’s era as a diverse and vibrant society, with a rich tapestry of philosophical and spiritual traditions. Buddhism, Jainism, and various Hindu philosophical systems coexisted and influenced each other. It was within this cultural milieu that Patanjali’s teachings on yoga and spiritual liberation took shape.

Patanjali’s contributions extend beyond his work on yoga. He is also credited with writing the Mahabhashya, a commentary on grammar, which provided significant insights into the linguistic and grammatical aspects of the Sanskrit language. Additionally, Patanjali is associated with the Charaka Samhita, an important Ayurvedic text that focuses on traditional Indian medicine.

While details about Patanjali’s personal life are scarce, his impact on the development of yoga and philosophy is immense. His systematic approach to yoga in the form of the Yoga Sutras has provided a comprehensive guide for practitioners, emphasizing ethical principles, meditation techniques, and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.

Patanjali’s teachings have transcended time and continue to shape the modern understanding and practice of yoga. His legacy remains a subject of reverence and inspiration for yogis, philosophers, and spiritual seekers alike, as they explore the depths of yoga’s transformative potential.

The Yoga Sutras: Uniting and Systematizing the Philosophies of Yoga

The Yoga Sutras of Patajali are a compilation of 195 sutras (aphorisms), according to Vysa and Krishnamacharya, and 196 sutras, respectively, on the philosophy and practice of yoga (according to others, including BKS Iyengar). The sage Patanjali in India collected and arranged knowledge about yoga from much older traditions to create the Yoga Sutras in the first decades CE.

The Yoga Sutras are well recognized for their mention of ashtanga, an eight-part practice that results in samadhi. The eight components are asana (yoga posture), yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (mind concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption). The basic goal of practice is kaivalya, which involves separating purusha, the witness consciousness, from prakriti, the cognitive system, and freeing purusha from prakriti’s jumbled impurities.

The Samkhya ideas of purusha and prakriti were the foundation for the Yoga Sutras, which are frequently regarded as additive to them. It shares a close relationship with Buddhism and uses some of its vocabulary. In contrast to the Bhakti traditions and Vedic ritualism that were popular at the time, Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta, as well as Jainism and Buddhism, can be considered as distinct manifestations of a broad stream of ascetic traditions in ancient India.

Exploring the Eight Limbs of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga, sometimes known as “the eight limbs of yoga,” is how Patanjali categorized ancient yoga in his Yoga Sutras . He identified the yamas (abstinences), niyamas (observances), asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing), pratyaharas (withdrawals), dharanas (concentration), dhyanas (meditation), and samadhis as the eight limbs (absorption).

Yamas: Ethical Principles for Harmonious Living

In Hinduism, yamas are moral requirements that might be thought of as the “don’ts” in life. The five yamas that Patanjali enumerated in the Yoga Sutra

  • Ahimsa : Nonviolence, non-harming other living beings
  • Satya : truthfulness, non-falsehood
  • Asteya : non-stealing
  • Brahmacharya : chastity, marital fidelity or sexual restrain
  • Aparigraha : non-avarice, non-possessiveness

According to Patanjali, the virtue of nonviolence and non-harm to others (Ahimsa) leads to the giving up of animosity, which brings the yogi to the perfection of inner and exterior amity with everyone and everything.

Niyamas: Self-Disciplines for Personal Transformation

Niyama, or the “dos,” is the second part of Patanjali’s Yoga path and it consists of good deeds and observances.

  • Shaucha : purity, clearness of mind, speech and body
  • Santosha : contentment, acceptance of others, acceptance of one’s circumstances as they are.
  • Tapas : persistence, perseverance, austerity, asceticism, self-discipline
  • Svadhyaya : study of self, self-reflection, introspection of self’s thoughts, speech, and actions
  • Ishvarapranidhana : contemplation of the Ishvara God/Supreme Being .

The virtue of contentment and acceptance of others as they are (Santosha), according to Patanjali, leads to a state in which internal sources of joy matter most and the desire for external sources of pleasure fades.

Asanas: Physical Postures for Strength and Flexibility

An asana is a position that one can maintain for a while while remaining calm, stable, at ease, and motionless.

Siddhasana, which means “accomplished,” Padmasana, “lotus,” Simhasana, “lion,” and Bhadrasana, which means “glorious,” explains the motions of these four asanas as well as eleven more. Unlike any older type of yoga, asanas are prominent and abundant in modern yoga.

Pranayama: Harnessing the Power of Breath

The act of controlling one’s breath consciously (inhalation, full pause, exhalation, and empty pause). This can be accomplished in a number of ways, such by inhaling for a moment before stopping, expelling for a moment before starting, slowing the inhalation and exhalation, or purposefully altering the timing and length of the breath (deep, short breathing)

Pratyahara: Withdrawing the Senses for Inner Focus

Drawing one’s awareness inward is known as pratyahara. Retracting the sensory experience from outside objects is what it entails. It is a self-extracting and abstracting step.

Pratyahara is the deliberate closing of one’s thought processes to the sensory world, not one’s eyes to the sensory world. Pratyahara gives one the ability to quit being ruled by the outside world, focus on seeking self-knowledge, and enjoy the freedom that is natural in one’s inner reality.

Dharana: Cultivating Concentration and Single-Pointedness

Dharana, the sixth limb of yoga, is the act of keeping one’s attention on a specific inner condition, issue, or topic. The mind is fixed on a mantra, one’s breath, the navel, the tip of one’s tongue, or any other location, as well as an object one desire to watch or a thought or idea in one’s head. Fixing the mind entails maintaining a single concentration, avoiding mental wandering, and refraining from switching between subjects.

Dhyana: Journeying into the Realm of Meditation

Dhyana is thinking, reflecting on whatever Dharana has been paying attention to. Dhyana is the contemplation of the personal deity that was the emphasis of the sixth limb of yoga. If only one thing was the focus, then dhyana is the impartial, unassuming observation of that thing. If a certain thought or concept were the emphasis, Dhyana would be thinking about it from every angle, manifestation, and result. Dhyana is an unbroken stream of consciousness, current of thinking, and flow of awareness.

Samadhi: Attaining Union with the Divine

In Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and yogic systems, samdhi (Pali and Sanskrit: ) is a state of meditative consciousness. It is the eighth and final component of the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism. It is the eighth and last limb in the Ashtanga Yoga system, according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

Conclusion: Honoring the Legacy of Patanjali in the Contemporary World

One of the key texts for understanding classical Yoga philosophy, according to the modern yoga tradition, is Patajali’s Yoga Sutras.

Between the ninth and sixteenth centuries, some of the most significant commentators on the Yoga Sutras were written. The school began to wane after the twelfth century, and Patanjali’s Yoga theory received few commentaries. Patanjali’s yoga philosophy had all but disappeared by the fifteenth century. Since few people read the literature and it wasn’t often taught, the Yoga Sutras manuscript was no longer replicated.

Wider interest in the Yoga Sutras emerged in the West with their rediscovery by a British Orientalist in the early 1800s. After Helena Blavatsky, head of the Theosophical Society, the practice of yoga according to the Yoga Sutras was recognized as the science of yoga and the “supreme contemplative path to self-realization” by Swami Vivekananda in the 19th century. According to White, “Big Yoga – the corporate yoga subculture” is the reason it has gained popularity in the West.

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